


Packaging: 5lt



Water Soluble Potassium 
Oxide (K2O)
Fruit Trees 200-250 ml/100 lt water It is applied at 15-day intervals from the beginning of fruit growth until 2 weeks before harvest.
Vegetables 200-250 ml/da 3-5 applications after full leafing.
(Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber, Eggplant, Carrot etc.)
Citrus 200 -250 ml/100 lt water It is applied at intervals of 10-15 days after fruit formation.
Vineyard 200-250 ml/100 lt water 2-4 applications with 10-15 days intervals after grain set. 2-4 applications with 10-15 days intervals when the grains ripen
Strawberry 200-250 ml/da It is repeated at intervals of 10-15 days during the flowering period.
Olive 200-250 ml/100 lt water It is applied at 15-day intervals from the beginning of fruit growth until 2 weeks before harvest.
Corn, Sunflower 200-250 ml/da Meyve büyümesinin başlangıcından hasattan 2 hafta öncesine kadar 15 günlük aralıklarla uygulanır.
Cotton 200-250 ml/da It is applied during the flowering period.
Field and Industrial Crops 200-250 ml/da 3-5 applications after full leafing.
(Peanuts, Soybeans, Sugar Beet, Tobacco etc.)
Cut floriculture 100-200 ml/100 lt water It is repeated at intervals of 10-15 days in the pre-flowering period.
Drip Irrigation (with 1 ton of water)
2-3 lt / da
The number of applications is adjusted according to the needs of the plant.

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